Since just about everyone carries a high definition camera in their pocket I encourage everyone to film themselves working out. Not all the time but at least enough so you can get a good idea of your technique or lack there of. Many people have a hard time being aware of where their body or body parts are in space. Watch someone trying to perform a good morning for RDL for the first time and how they can’t get the idea of pushing the hips back without excessive bending of the knees. They may not be able to feel this because they have never tried that motion before. By being able to immediately see what you looked like it can help people realize what they are doing wrong and/or implement coaching cues more effectively. In this gym we film a good bit and often review in slow motion immediately after the lift to work on small details especially in the Olympic lifts. It is difficult for anyone to feel their lower back rounding in a squat or being able to judge their own depth while looking straight ahead. You can’t really be a judge of the relationship of your hips and knees when looking at your own face. Cameras are great for this if you train by yourself. Even if you are inexperienced and don’t know anatomy very well most movements aren’t too complicated. If it looks wrong it most likely is. This doesn’t mean film every workout and post it online. There is a difference between analysis and vanity. Although, to write that I guess I performed an analysis of vanity.
Are you in shape to workout
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