Just a few easy bench press variations that can be performed without any or minimal accessories. People don’t realize how simply changing your grip can change the exercise. I go into more detail about this stuff in Mogy workouts but…
From a body building perspective…
Chest emphasis: Standard, wide (not great for shoulder health), paused
Triceps Emphasis: Close, board press (not too high), reverse grip (Use spotter for this) bands
From a bench press more weight perspective:
Start: Pause
Lockout: Close Grip, board, band, reverse
The Pro Files Episode 9: Ettore Ewen Part 5
The Pro Files Episode 6
The Pro Files Episode 3
Concentration Curl in 60 seconds
Diet Tips
Diet stuff. I talk about it to your face.
A few strong things
Training is about adaptation. Not only your body adapting to stress, but you have to adapt to your environment and situation. John’s time is spread thin between touring with wwe and/or working on films. This results in strange gyms and some unpredictable days. It takes a great amount of effort to simply make it to the gym. His training is based on percents when there can be some kind of normalcy and when there isn’t, he chooses his own weights inside certain parameters. These are assigned through Mogy of course which is also used to track data. This was a few days just to check to see where he was strength wise after a long stint on a movie set. With any kind of schedule, it is about picking a choosing the times to push. If you go as hard as possible all the time, you will eventually burn out. Once you have some training years under your belt, learn the difference between your strength when trying to maintain and your strength when you have some weeks to push yourself.
Effort and You
Tired of no one telling you that you don’t work hard enough. No problem! I can do that for you! Check out this blog.
Then look at the workouts in the mogy market place https://mogy.me/marketplace/ and say to yourself “Yea. I could use one of these bad boys.” Then purchase and make your body better.
The Camera’s Eye
Since just about everyone carries a high definition camera in their pocket I encourage everyone to film themselves working out. Not all the time but at least enough so you can get a good idea of your technique or lack there of. Many people have a hard time being aware of where their body or body parts are in space. Watch someone trying to perform a good morning for RDL for the first time and how they can’t get the idea of pushing the hips back without excessive bending of the knees. They may not be able to feel this because they have never tried that motion before. By being able to immediately see what you looked like it can help people realize what they are doing wrong and/or implement coaching cues more effectively. In this gym we film a good bit and often review in slow motion immediately after the lift to work on small details especially in the Olympic lifts. It is difficult for anyone to feel their lower back rounding in a squat or being able to judge their own depth while looking straight ahead. You can’t really be a judge of the relationship of your hips and knees when looking at your own face. Cameras are great for this if you train by yourself. Even if you are inexperienced and don’t know anatomy very well most movements aren’t too complicated. If it looks wrong it most likely is. This doesn’t mean film every workout and post it online. There is a difference between analysis and vanity. Although, to write that I guess I performed an analysis of vanity.
There is no secret
(Originally appeared on Mogy.me)
I often get the same questions from trainers and trainees alike. It seems that people go through a stage in their journey of fitness when they think they are missing something. The biggest secret in this business is that there is no secret. Many magazines and supplement companies want you to think otherwise, that there are pills you aren’t taking, powders you aren’t drinking, or training methods that are going to change your life. None of this is true. If you look at magazines from 20 years ago you will see the same type of supplement ads. If they worked then where are the supplements now? If the training methods in those same magazines are so magical then why are people using different training methods now? What happened to all the perfect physiques that should have been created?
The basic principles of fitness are the same as they have always been. Perform resistance training to improve muscle quality. Eat less to lose weight. Perform aerobic activity to improve endurance. These will always be the same. As we advance with our knowledge of the human body and our knowledge of training we find small things that can make a difference but these things are very small. The average person in the gym doesn’t need to be concerned with things that will help them improved a percent or two. So many people waste so much time trying to find hidden training information on the internet or trying every supplement under the sun. Really all you have to do is go to the gym consistently and be conscious of what you eat and you will achieve most of your goals. Of course if you are a high level athlete or trying to achieve something that is at the limits of your genetic potential you will have to be conscious of every little detail but these people are few and far between.
We love the idea that there is some rouge trainer or scientist going against what everyone else is doing and making incredible gains. In fact we hear about them all the time. Over and over they fade into obscurity. Sure on occasion someone may respond with a great amount of muscle growth performing only 2 workouts a week for 20 minutes. This is the exception, not the rule. If you are betting on what side a flipped coin lands on do you pick that it lands on neither heads nor tails and instead lands upright on the edge? Of course not. The chance of that is so remote and goes against everything we know about probability and the well-established history of how a coin lands. So why would you do the same with some magic solution for fitness. Sure we want to believe that it isn’t simply hard work. It is fun to play the lottery but no one in their right mind quits their job because they think they will really win.
We all have the feeling that the secret is JUST out of our grasp or we just haven’t stumbled on it yet. If you are training with relative intelligence and your nutrition is decent then you already have it figured out. At some point be it getting below 8% bodyfat or getting your bench press over 400lbs you may need to start exploring very specific diets or programs but until then the secret is just a lot of hard work and consistency.
There is no magic supplement.
There is no magic program.
There is no magic trainer.
There is no magic diet.
Those who have figured that out are making more progress than you are because instead of second guessing themselves they are forging ahead. Training is hard. Dieting is harder. That is the way it is. Accept it without looking for a way out and you will make better progress than you ever have.